Austin Food Guide

We boost ghrelin levels (← that’s the hunger hormone, y’all) in innovative ways, so that the food you sell can stand out and show out. 

the go-to food photographer of Central Texas


Always Honest ᐧ Crazy Innovative ᐧ Hella Fun

At Austin Food Guide, we believe...

There’s creative space beyond ‘pretty’ 

That food vibes are a real thing

Collaboration is key to making your vision a reality

serving up...




We are our best selves when we have fun. Work that increases our dopamine levels also boosts our creativity.




We’re committed to ongoing education as we continue to look for new ways to improve our work.




We value your trust, so we will remain transparent, honest, and fair throughout the entire process.

In Texan speak, I find whispers in a windmill. I rope up the cattle at the rodeos. There's no slack in my rope.⁣ Because as a food photographer, I’m here to help restaurants and food brands: 

1. Visually tell their stories
2. Go from "eh" to awesome
3. Boost those ghrelin levels (and, in turn, your revenue, honey!)

Mica McCook



 Owner of Austin Food Guide | Food Photographer | BBQ Enthusiast

no matter how gorgeous your dish or mundane your food product, my goal is to make your marketing stand out.⁣ 

In 2015, I visited Philadelphia for the first time and made a stop at Reading Terminal Market. Feeling a bit like Harry Potter entering Diagon Alley with Hagrid, I gaped in pure awe at this huge and sophisticated farmer's market. 

It had everything: from coma-inducing Amish breakfasts to delicious seafood to a brightly colored candy shop and fresh coffee. We scrapped most of our plans and spent the next three days, sampling and shopping our way through every stall. It was life-changing. 

I knew then that I wanted to visually create the Reading Terminal experience for my clients, showcasing their food in compelling ways. And the best part is... I freaking love being a food photographer. Because every day that I get to help another bad mama jama showcase their brand is a good day for me.

My love for food photography

When I’m not gussying up food for its close-up, I’m spending time with my husband Aaron (the saint), playing with our dog Moxy (who is spoiled as feck), or indulging in delicious sweet bbq (like any other good native Austinite.)⠀⁣

Crafting Art from Inspired Tastes + Feel-Good Vibes

Food fascinates me. I like to watch the chefs cook it, I like to watch the waiters serve it, and I like to watch the patrons enjoy it. ⁣Watching chefs create a dish from ingredients and fire is nothing short of magical. It is art on a plate. 

And art should evoke deep emotions. That’s why for every dish I photograph, I ask myself, “What can take this dish beyond pretty? How will this shot stand out from the thousands of other shots of the same dish?”⁣

Before each press of the shutter button, I think about what I see and how it makes me feel and then I figure out how to capture that feeling.  


Let's Create the difference that will...

elevate your online presence 

tell the story behind your dish

help you stand out from the competition

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and more

© 2021 Austin Food Guide | Brand + Website by Carrylove Designs | Reserve Your Spot