If you had asked me five years ago what my life revolved around, the word “photography” would not have crossed my mind. Today I’m a dreamer and a believer in the endless possibilities that photography offers. I live a new life, learning about food and photography techniques for a more fulfilling future.
I have a confession to make: I’m a late-night over-thinker. And the eternal question on my mind during many late-night sessions (that inevitably turned into early-morning writing sessions) is this: What am I doing with my life? So there I was one night, wandering into the abyss of Instagram, I realized that I spent the last ten years of my life working for companies I had no desire to work for. And I knew I wanted, no I needed, something different.
When I decided to take a leap and go into food photography, I felt terrified and excited at the same time. Scared to fail. Afraid to be judged. But when I finally decided that my dream was worth fighting for, things started falling into place.
The first few shoots were really stressful because I didn’t know what I was doing yet, but there’s something about having a camera in your hands that makes you feel powerful. Every shot I took, even if it was bad, made me feel like I was one step closer to getting the perfect shot.
I had many sleepless nights and set my mind on fire with ideas of what my life could become if I just took this leap of faith.
After all, I had so many questions. Where do you even start? Where do you find jobs? How do you get paid? What if you spend all of your time and money on shooting photos for free, only to have them go nowhere? And what if no one likes your work?
I knew that if I wanted this to be my career, it would take a lot of hard work. But if you want something bad enough, then you’ll find a way to make it happen.
Charlotte and I working behind the scenes in one of our shoots.
Telling stories through my photography has always been a passion, and I’ve been lucky enough to do that every day for the past five years. It all began with a small blog that led to unexpected opportunities.
When I first started out in food photography, I had no idea where my path would lead me. All I knew was that I wanted to be the best photographer I could possibly be.
I think food photography turned me into a dreamer. I started out just photographing food for my blog and was rather dismissive of my photos at first. It wasn’t until years later, in college, that I realized the effect those pictures had had on me.
So put yourself out there. Create something or take some pictures. Leave a mark on the world. It doesn’t matter how great or small, as long as you do it with your whole heart. If you work hard enough, I promise you – whatever it is that you want to achieve, you’re going to get it.
If you’d like to learn more about Austin Food Guide and our photography services, contact us for a complimentary consultation.
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