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The Magic of Change: When Your Brand Needs a Glow-Up Ever feel like your business is stuck in a bit of a rut? Maybe you’re not attracting the dream clients you crave, or perhaps your brand just doesn’t feel like you anymore. If so, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into the magic […]

055: The Magic of Change: How Rebranding Opened New Doors

A smiling woman with long brown hair, wearing tortoiseshell glasses and a bright red sleeveless top, poses against a light background.
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Skyler Burt of We Eat Together Shares the Scoop on Food Photography Ever felt like your head is spinning with all the things you should be doing as a photographer? Like, market yourself more, learn all the new tech gadgets, try a million different styles, a la We Eat Together, and still have time to […]

054: We Eat Together with Skyler Burt

A smiling man wearing a black shirt and a flat cap, pointing towards the camera. The background is softly blurred, creating a focus on his friendly expression.
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Growing Through Criticism Ever felt that punch in the gut when someone criticizes your work? That sinking feeling, like all your hard work and effort just got dismissed? We’ve all been there, secretly replaying those words in our heads, wondering where we went wrong. But what if I told you that criticism, that dreaded gut […]

053: Growing Through Criticism: Mastering the Art of Constructive Feedback

Woman in a brown blazer and hat writing in a notebook at a desk with a laptop and camera.
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From Fashion Design to Food Photography: Alanna O’Neill’s Inspiring Journey Ever feel like you can’t compete with other photographers because you don’t have the latest gear? Or maybe you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfill you? Alanna O’Neill’s story might just be the inspiration you need. She went from fashion design in bustling New […]

052: Natural Light Magic in Food Photography with Alanna O’Neil

Alanna O'Neil smiling in a black spaghetti strap top, standing in front of a window.
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Are You Afraid of Networking? Hey friends! Do you ever feel like networking is one of those scary, overwhelming tasks that just makes you want to hide under your bed? Trust me, I’ve been there. But what if I told you that networking doesn’t have to be this big, scary monster? We’re going to explore […]

051: The Courage to Connect: Transforming Networking into Authentic Relationships

Woman in a blue blouse and black hat smiling by a window.
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Celebrating 50 Episodes: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Listeners Welcome to the 50th episode of The Savory Shot! 🎉 Can you believe it? Reaching 50 episodes is a huge milestone, and I’m your host, Mica McCook, a food photographer born and based in Austin, Texas. If you’re from the Lone Star State, come holla […]

050: Reaching 50 Episodes: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Listeners

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Have you ever felt awkward talking about your own successes? Maybe you even feel a little bit icky, like you’re bragging too much. Trust me, you’re not alone! Today, we’re diving into self-promotion – a topic that makes many of us cringe. But guess what? It’s a crucial part of building a successful career, especially […]

049: Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion without Selling Out

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Helping Food Photographers Shine: Insights from Julie Skarwecki Ever feel like you’re shouting into the void when it comes to marketing your photography? You’re snapping stunning shots, but the world just isn’t noticing? You’re definitely not the only one facing this challenge, and guess what? Today, we’re diving deep into expert advice that will empower […]

048: Helping Food Photographers Shine

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Nobody is talking about how self-care is your secret weapon as a creative! Okay, listen up, friends – I believe taking care of yourself is the biggest superpower you’ll ever have! Sometimes, being creative is like a fun but crazy rollercoaster, right? We get so excited about our photography that we forget to take a […]

047: The Gifts of Imperfection: Creatives and Their Struggle with Self-Care

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Taking the Leap: Is Fear Holding You Back? Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions, stuck in a job that doesn’t light you up inside? That’s a feeling many of us know too well. It’s like being on a never-ending treadmill—moving but not going anywhere exciting. When you think about making […]

046: Finding Your Focus When Life Calls for a Scene Change

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